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The Dangling Tower

The Dangling tower is the most prominent Invoker guild not only in Ched Nasad,
but within the entire northwest of the Underdark... rivalled only by the Drow
city of Sshamanth. Located among a number of stalactites hanging from the roof
of the great chasm and accessible only by those who can fly or those who can
catch a driftdisc to the heights of Ched Nasad, due more to the city's desire
to segregate the dangerous experimentations of the Dangling Tower from the
more fragile areas of the city than anything else. The invokers of the
Dangling Tower are among the most feared Drow in the city; their combat
prowess and near invulnerability to all but the most severe forms of damage
in the face of even the most well-trained of adversaries makes them a powerful
force indeed.

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