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The deck of Fate

Until recently the infamous Deck of Fate was in the safe hands of Tymora.
Angered at Tymora for some action or another, Beshaba stole the deck and
scattered the cards in the deck from one end of the kingdoms to another.
Tymora charged one of her most favoured to travel the kingdoms searching
for the cards, to bring the deck back together. In turn, Beshaba charged
one of her most favoured to travel the kingdoms, gathering the cards to
respread them through out the kingdoms.

Have you found a card? Whom will you help? Tymora or Beshaba? Which
one would your god prefer you aid? Or will your god even care which you

Rumour has it that the cards may offer some sort of magical reward, though
what they are for sure, no one really knows, and other rumours say the
reward can vary dramatically.

Area created by Blythe, Lorelie and Dalvyn.

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