Online Help


By creating this character and entering the game of Forgotten Kingdom you
are entering an agreement to abide by the rules of this game as set forth
in 'help rules' and all other rules files. Further, you understand
that your presence here is allowed by the administrators of the game,
and any rules violations will be dealt with by discretion of the deity
on duty. You acknowledge that converstaion and situations may arise during
the course of play that may not be suitable for children.

This game is not a right, but a privilege which we are pleased to bring
to you. At the same time, the administration agrees to work to make this
game a pleasant roleplaying enviroment consistent with good sportsmanship,
goodwill, and innovative entertainment.

By these acknowledgments you hereby save and except this MUD and it's
Administrators from any and all liability that may arise during gameplay.

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