Online Help


Syntax: disguise <new adjective> 
disguise (no argument to remove your disguise)

This command temporarily replaces your adjective with a new one of your
choosing, your sex and race can not be altered with this skill and will
remain whatever they are based on your character. With a diguise on and
a successful skill check other players, even those previously greeted,
will only see your new adjective. Any action, by you or others, in the
room you are in gives a chance for someone to see through your disguise
and see your true adjective or name if you are already greeted to that
person if you fail a skill check. A failed skill check does not remove
your disguise however, it only reveals your true identity to those who
see past your disguise.

All the guidelines of HELP ADJECTIVE apply to use of this skill.

* This skill is affected by the type of armour you wear. Heavier armour
will increase the chance of failure in this skill.

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