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Syntax: sheath
sheath <weapon>
sheath <weapon> <scabbard>
draw <weapon>
draw <weapon> <scabbard>

You may store your weapon in a scabbard. The sheath command will place
the weapon into the scabbard and the draw command will take it out. You
can specify which weapon you want to sheath/draw and which scabbard to use
if you have more than one. The commands on their own will find the first
ones in inventory.

There is more than one type of scabbard in the game. Wrist sheaths are
available for small daggers, and weapons harnesses available for large
weapons that would not ordinarily fit into a scabbard.

Note: Please make sure for the sake of good roleplay that you place your
weapon into a scabbard it would realistically fit into. For instance putting
a large warhammer into a scabbard or knife sheath would be considered poor

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