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Eat, Drink

Syntax:  drink <object>                  (drink liquid from a drink container)
Syntax: eat <object> (eat food or a magical pill)
eat <object> <container> (eat directly from a container)

Drink instructs your character to drink from a fountain or a drink container
to alleviate thirst.

Eat instructs your character to eat an item of food or a magical pill (which
function in a similar fashion as potions); pills do not fill stomach space.

When you are hungry or thirsty you will not regain hitpoints, movement
points or mana back as rapidly as if you were well fed and hydrated.

If you stay hungry or thirsty too long your mental state will begin to
suffer. Your combat skills will be affected, your coordination will
suffer and you may begin to either hallucinate or become depressed.
Eating, drinking and a little rest will solve this problem after a
short period of time.
You can also DIE of hunger and thirst.

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Drunkeness Eating and drinking Mental State
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