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Historically druids lived among the Germanic tribes of Western Europe and
Britain during the days of the Roman Empire. They served as advisors to
chieftains and held great influence over the tribesmen. Druids in Forgotten
Kingdoms are not exact copies of their historical forebears, but they are the
priests of the gods Chauntea, Mielikki, and Malar, following a similar path
in varying degrees.

Common to each is a reliance upon the natural world. Each is a lifelong
student of the natural world who realizes that without the sun, rain, growth,
death, and rebirth of nature, no civilization would remain. They conserve
nature and guard against those who would destroy the wild for their own ends.

The druid is an example of a priest designed for a specific mythos. His
powers and beliefs are different from those of the cleric. The druid is a
priest of nature and guardian of the wilderness.

* In contrast to clerics, druids are not granted Domain prayers by their

* Humans, elves, half-elves(not drow), halflings, forest gnomes, earth genasi,
and aasimar can become druids.

* Druid aligments vary between religions.

* Druids may not wear any metal armor. They carry as little worked metal as
possible because it interferes with the bond to nature that they seek to
embody. Druids of Mielikki may use armor allowed to rangers and not violate
their oath.

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