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Gold Dwarves

Found largely in the South, in the immediate vicinity of the Great Rift, they
are the dominant southern branch of the Dwarves. Known for their smithcraft
as well as their tremendous wealth, those with cause to know appreciate that
their military might is also legendary. Due to the fact that they rarely
warred amongst themselves, unlike their northern cousins, the gold dwarves,
for the first time ever, are leaving their caverns near the Great Rift to
seek out new strongholds as the Thunder Blessing has filled their ancestral
homes beyond what they can comfortably hold.

Averaging about 4 feet tall, gold dwarf adults weight about as much as an
adult human. They tend to light brown, or deeply tanned skin tones, and
usually brown or hazel eyes. They wear their beards and hair long which is
generally of an earthy brown, or black color.

Gold dwarves share the pride of many other dwarven subraces, with one major
difference. Due to never having been seriously challenged within their
ancestral halls, they lack the pessimism of their shield dwarf cousins.
Truly, having endured through countless generations of the shorter lived
races, Gold dwarves are certain their traditions and culture are superior to
all the rest. Also unlike many other dwarven subraces, gold dwarves have
ancient lines of wizards, and even sorcerors amongst their bloodlines.

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