Online Help

Personalised Dwelling Objects

You can only have 5 personalised objects at this point.  These objects
cannot be had by anyone else and are made especially for you. Available
personalised objects are:

* A fountain - 200 gold pieces
* A sign - 50 gold pieces (this may not be allowed for dwellings built in
certain areas).
* A key - 5 gold pieces (this can fit your door and your lock box). It
is expected that all dwellings will have a key.
* A money box - 100 gold pieces (This no take box can be used to special
items and coins. It can be warded, see the section on wardings.)
* A money box key - 5 gold pieces. Key is unique. (Key from door can be
used for the money box as well)
* An altar - 400 gold pieces
* A door bell - 50 gold pieces - A bell that hangs outside your dwelling
and when rung echos to all the rooms in your dwelling.
* A cart - 500 gold pieces - This cart can be locked with your key and
be built to look how you wish. It cannot be stored in your
storeroom. It saves when you quit like a pet and is gone from the
game when you are not there.
* A noteboard - 1000 gold pieces - This noteboard can be placed in your
dwelling so that you can leave notes and other characters can leave
notes to you. This board is for in character use only and will be
monitored by the immortals.

If you purchase a painting ICly from one of the artists there is a hanging fee of
10 gold for any painting you want hung outside of your storeroom.

We are adding to the list of possible personalised objects over time. It is
suggested that you recheck these helps periodically to see what is new that you
can purchase for your dwelling. Suggestions for objects that we can add can be
submitted to the applications section of the forum.

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