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Decimus Tenfingers

Little is known for certain about this character, His truest origins a
mystery. The story goes that he was nothing but a slave in his youth, in
servitude to a mushroom plantation owner. Being an enslaved halfdrow boy in a
pious drow city, his childhood was a rough one filled with subjugation mixed
with solitude. It was late one cycle, mid-mushroom harvest, that he found
himself overcome with a sense of direction, a sense of awareness, a sense of
the truths of the world. It was at this time he discovered he had a
remarkable talent for the Art. For over two decades, he slaved away in the
fields harvesting the mushrooms. His early hours were spent chopping stalk
after stalk for his masters. The later hours however, his time of solitude,
were spent growing his Art. It was through this study that he discovered his
natural talent for summoning, which was further honed by dedicated secret

After some two score decades of slavery, his skills honed through late work,
he made his move. One fateful cycle, somewhere soon after his first century
of life, he Overthrew his task masters with a sheer demonic pressence. A lone
survivor made it back and reported to the ruling council within the City.
Awaiting the punishment at hand, he set foot finally within the city proper
and awaited drow justice at the gates. Surprisingly, with his new found power
and enlightenment something unexpected happened that resulted in his
recruitment to Ched Nasads Conjuration Guild The Summoned Shadow, for his
impressive command over the lower planes for one so untrained as he was.

He soon grew in prominence within the Summoned Shadow, and learned all he
could while branching out further and further. His travels took him to the
surface, Menzoberranzan, and eventually even other planes. After the passing
within his chosen sphere, the skiled Conjurer has been known to still ventur
to find great power and had even proven having a talent for teaching his
crafts to others. Soon he was a prominent well known figure both above and
below the surface having taken to the namesake Tenfingers, after all its
amazing he never lost any in his youth. Rumor has it it was during this rise
of power the he was adopted into some or several positions of power
throughout the realms both above and below, for one organization or another,
for good or ill as he fancies or can get away with.

As his Art has become refined and he has achieved more and more mastery
within his chosen sphere, the Arch- Conjurer has been known to still venture
out on a whim, or settle and teach lessons to those with the right form of
payments. Most recently he has taken residence within the Twisted Tower
floating amazingly, far above Luskan, further testament to his rising power
and secrets attained.

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