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Diritas Marshall

Diritas is the youngest son of four heirs born to the family which had
operated the once powerful Marshall Trading Company. His mother passed
young, only a couple years after his birth, but not before she gave to
the family a daughter finally. Since his father bitterly contested the
matter his paternity, Diritas would be the victim of misplaced and oft
cruel anger during his early years. His father's beatings and the poor
uncaring nature of most of his siblings was offset however by the kind
and caring soul of his sister, who would grow to be the well reknowned
and beloved Lady Katheryn Marshall of Ilmater.

Following a string of untimely deaths, by seeming accident or by cruel
murder, the three remaining children of the Marshall family all seemed
to disappear, with Diritas resurfacing first some years later with the
patent purchased that names him as a Lord of Westgate. The name he had
developed for himself has been one of cruel and vicious nature, with a
list of crimes nearly too long to put to pen.
Most memorably, Diritas' very public slaying of Lady Katheryn is a sad
and familiar tale to many of the goodly folk of Waterdeep. Those which
knew him noticed a profound and worrisome change in him following this
event as Diritas seemed driven in part to madness and addictions which
only served to drive him fanatically deeper into Cyric's faith. Though
it is speculated that this act allowed the seeds of his hatred for the
Mad God to take root and grow even as his rank and power in the church
flourished alongside.

In recent years Lord Diritas Marshall had been speaking of renewal and
atonement, travelling far and abroad to the many places he had wrought
his cruelty that he might try to make amends, however many people will
dispute this as but another ploy of lies and murder. Whether it is the
truth or not that he aquired atonement, it can be said that Diritas is
a man who must account for a great deal in his past, for his is a such
that it may never be forgotten.

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