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Dogma of Loviatar

The world is filled with pain and torment, and the best that one can do is 
to suffer those blows that cannot be avoided and deal as much pain back to
those who offend. Kindnesses are the best companions to hurts, and increase
the intensity of suffering. Let mercy of sudden abstinence from causing pain
and of providing unlooked-for healing come over you seldom, but at whim, so
as to make folk hope and increase the Mystery of Loviatar's Mercy. Unswerving
cruelty will turn all folk against you.

Act alluring, and given pain and torment to those who enjoy it as well as
those who deserve it most or would be most hurt by it. The lash, fire, and
cold are the three pains that never fail the devout. Spread Loviatar's teachings
whenever punishment is meted out. Pain tests all, but gives strength of spirit
and true pleasure to the hardy and the true. There is no true punishment if the
punisher knows no discipline. Wherever a whip is there is Loviatar.
Fear her-- and yet long for her.

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