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Dogma of Tyr

Novices of Tyr are charged to: "Reveal the truth, punish the
guilty, right the wrong, and be always true and just in your
actions." Tyr and his followers are devoted to the cause of
justice, to the righting of wrongs and the deliverance of
just vengeance. This is not necessarily equality or fairness
as some make the Maimed God out to represent, but rather the
discovery of truth and the punishment of the guilty. Tyrrans
tend to be stiff-necked about theology and to see matters in
black and white terms.

Clergy of Tyr are charged to uphold the law wherever they go
and to punish those who break it. They are to keep complete
records of their own rulings, deeds, and decisions. In short
they must:
abide the laws and let no others break them. Mete
out punishment where lawbreaking occurs.

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