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Duranamir, mage and merchant

Many know of this person, few truly know him. It is not even known exactly
when he was born though his home is and has always has been Menzoberranzan.
He is at least of middle age for a Drow and has seen at least several
centuries. He has been known to speak knowledagbly of things and people that
others of more short lived races may consider ancient history.

Polite, urbane and always carefully and richly dressed, sometimes accompanied
by an imp or various minions, he has been seen in all the underdark cities
and on occasion the surface.

Known more for his mercantile interests than his magical skills. He is a
known procurer of items of magic, seller of scrolls and manufacturer of
weapons and armour. Whilst a Drow with all that implies he has not been known
to break his given word once a deal has been made.

Whilst a commoner he has some influence within the city of Menzoberranzan and
beyond through his succesfull navigation of the complicated web of Drow
politics and his many mercantile contacts across the underdark and surface.
Over the years he has been careful to remain useful to all the various houses
equally and not dedicate himself to any one patron over the others.

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