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Earth Genasi

Earth genasi are patient, stubborn and contemplative in their 
decision making. Marked at birth with obvious traits reflecting their
heritage, earth genasi are often shunned by others, but their physical
gifts allow them to defend themselves. Most Earth genasi are
descended from elemental outsiders, primarily from the North, as the
natural portals in the Spine of the World to the Elemental Plane of
Earth allow for outsiders to mingle with humans. The rest are
descendents of Earth deities and their servants.

Earth Genasi look human, save for one or two characteristics such
as earthlike skin, eyes like gems, eyes like pits, or very large hands
and feet. Earth genasi, like all the elemental planetouched, are
proud of their nature and abilities, but it is a quiet confident pride
rather than a boastful one. Earth genasi tend to rely heavily on
innate abilities, and choose the Fighter class over most. Earth
Genasi wizards are uncommon, but those that embrace that arcane path
often learn spells that enhance their physical prowess, or become
masters of earth magic.

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