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Moon Elves

Also known as Silver elves, Moon elves are the most common type 
of elven subrace. Travellers and explorers, they are the first to
admit that they generally hate to stay in one place for long periods
of time. This is not to say they are flighty, as Moon elves are
fiercely loyal to friends and allies, and will fight to the death to
protect those they care for. They are also often captivated by
sheer intensity of humans, many have been known to become entranced
by the way humans pack their short lives full of joy and sorrow alike.

Moon elves are fair of skin, sometimes tinged with blue with hair
that is silver-white, blue or black. Humanlike colors are rare in
moon elves. They tend to dress simply, though of exquisite make, with
patterns and designs that allow them to blend in with foliage when
they are concerned with concealment. When celebrating in safety, they
prefer bold colors and designs, the brighter the better.

Moon elves are the most experimental of all elven magic-users.
They are also, along with sun elves, and a few wood elves, the only
other race to practice elven High Magic. Moon elves do not only use
magic, they live it. It is not a calling, but a way of life. Moon
elves often encourage each other to push the boundaries of magic
creating ever new and different spells and effects. Amongst their
divine spellcasters, there is the universal elven worship of the
Seldarine, though many choose a specific patron deity. Of Moon elves
the most common is Angharradh, the goddess thought to be three in one
of Sehanine, Aerdrie Faenya, and Hanali Celanil.

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