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Elven nature

Elves mingle freely in human lands, always welcome yet never at home.  
They are well known for their poetry, dance, song, lore, and magical
arts, and they favour things of natural beauty. If their woodland
homes are threatened they reveal a more martial side, demonstrating
their skills with weaponry and strategy. Elves are more often
amused than excited, and curious than greedy. With such long lives
they tend to keep broad perspective on events, remaining unfazed by
petty happenstance, when persuing a goal however they can be focused
and relentless. They tend to be slow to make friends and enemies,
and even slower to forget them, tending to reply to petty insults
with disdain and serious insults with vengeance.

Elves are often considered frivolous and aloof. In fact, they
are not, although humans often find their personalities impossible
to fathom. They concern themselves with natural beauty, dancing
and frolicking, playing and singing, unless necessity dictates
otherwise. They are not fond of ships or mines, but enjoy growing
things and gazing at the open sky. Even though elves tend toward
haughtiness and arrogance at times, they regard their friends and
associates as equals. They do not make friends easily, but a
friend (or enemy) is never forgotten. They prefer to distance
themselves from humans, have little love for dwarves, and hate
the evil denizens of the woods.

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