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Strength measures your character's muscle and physical power.
This ability is especially important for fighters, paladins
and rangers because it helps them prevail in combat.

Your strength defines how much you may carry...

Strength Score Light Load Medium Load Heavy Load
1 3 lb. or less 4-6 lb. 7-10 lb.
2 6 lb. or less 7-13 lb. 14-20 lb.
3 10 lb. or less 11-20 lb. 21-30 lb.
4 13 lb. or less 14-26 lb. 27-40 lb.
5 16 lb. or less 17-33 lb. 34-50 lb.
6 20 lb. or less 21-40 lb. 41-60 lb.
7 23 lb. or less 24-46 lb. 47-70 lb.
8 26 lb. or less 27-53 lb. 54-80 lb.
9 30 lb. or less 31-60 lb. 61-90 lb.
10 33 lb. or less 34-66 lb. 67-100 lb.
11 38 lb. or less 39-76 lb. 77-115 lb.
12 43 lb. or less 44-86 lb. 87-130 lb.
13 50 lb. or less 51-100 lb. 101-150 lb.
14 58 lb. or less 59-116 lb. 117-175 lb.
15 66 lb. or less 67-133 lb. 134-200 lb.
16 76 lb. or less 77-153 lb. 154-230 lb.
17 86 lb. or less 87-173 lb. 174-260 lb.
18 100 lb. or less 101-200 lb. 201-300 lb.
19 116 lb. or less 117-233 lb. 234-350 lb.
20 133 lb. or less 134-266 lb. 267-400 lb.
21 153 lb. or less 154-306 lb. 307-460 lb.
22 173 lb. or less 174-346 lb. 347-520 lb.
23 200 lb. or less 201-400 lb. 401-600 lb.
24 233 lb. or less 234-466 lb. 467-700 lb.
25 266 lb. or less 267-533 lb. 534-800 lb.
26 306 lb. or less 307-613 lb. 614-920 lb.
27 346 lb. or less 347-693 lb. 694-1,040 lb.
28 400 lb. or less 401-800 lb. 801-1,200 lb.
29 466 lb. or less 467-933 lb. 934-1,400 lb.
+10 4 4 4

This table is a rough guide, the carry limits in FK do not
match up exactly with D&D V3.5 rules.
You apply your characters Strength modifier(the +number beside
the actual strength score on your SCORE sheet) to the following:

-Your melee attack roll(s)

-Damage rolls when using a melee or thrown weapon(
off hand attacks
receive only half the characters strength modifier while two
handed weapons receive one and a half times the modifier.)

-All skills with the (STR) sign next to them in your skill list

Average Strength Scores

Example Race Average Strength Average Modifier
Allip,Shadow,Will-o Wisp - -
Bat, Toad 1 -5
Rat Swarm 2 -4
Stirge, Monkey 3 -4
Grig, small monstrous centipede 4-5 -3
Hawk, Cockatrice, Pixie 6-7 -2
Quasit, Badger 8-9 -1
Human, Beholder, Dire Rat 10-11 +0
Mind Flayer, Dog, Pony 12-13 +1
Gnoll, Manta Ray, Baboon 14-15 +2
Choker, Large Shark 16-17 +3
Centaur, minotaur 18-19 +4
Ape, Orge, Gorgon 20-21 +5
Fire Giant, ELephant 30-31 +10
Great Wyrm Gold Dragon 46-47 +18

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