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Express Deliveries

Tired of walking around the city? Tired of having to push dirty beggars,
haughty nobles, loud town criers to make your way through the city? You need
something delivered quickly, and safely, but you do not want to cough up the
high prices set by the Magical Post?

Then Express Deliveries is the place you ought to visit!

You will not have to wait longer than 10 minutes in our comfortable and
welcoming hall situated on Traders Way, only a short walk away from the
central Market Square, before one of our clerks come and take your order. We
can send and fetch packages to and from anywhere on Toril, and our prices are
low, too!

P.S. We are also hiring delivery boys and girls and adventurers. Ask Geoffrey
at the reception desk for more information!

Area created by Dalvyn.

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