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Fire Genasi

Fire genasi are usually thought of as hot-blooded and quick to 
anger, and they have earned that reputation. Mercurial, proud and
often fearless, they are definitely not the sort to sit and watch
the world pass them by. Most fire genasi in Faerun are descended from
the Efreet that once ruled Calimshan. These outsiders from the Plane
of Fire, would often have harems of human slaves, and from such
descend fire genasi. Any area with volcanos, which often act as
gates to the Elemental Plane of Fire, are possible homes to fire

Fire genasi have obvious traits that mark them as different from
humans, and they are often the target of distrust and persecution as
are all of elemental lineage. Many fire genasi are destroyed by their
own parents, fearing them to be demonspawn. Some of the more obvious
traits of fire genasi for example are deep red skin, eyes that glow
when the genasi is angry, large red teeth, or unusually warm skin.

Fire genasi are drawn to the Fighter class, as well as barbarians
as their rage offers an easy outlet for their fiery bloodlust. Most
arcane spellcasters tend to follow the Sorcerors path, though their
natural talents would indicate otherwise.

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