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Fellowship of Undermountain - Charter

Hear ye! Hear ye! This is the Charter of the Fellowship of Undermountain.
Herein lies the mission and purpose of said Fellowship.

The purpose and mission of this Fellowship is to protect those whom would
venture into the depths of Undermountain. We will act as guides to those in
need of assistance. We are dedicated to the full exploration of Undermountain.
We will act as forward scouts and report any new threats that may arise from
the depths of Undermountain. We will seek out and thwart any of the vile
schemes of the powerful wizard known as Halaster. This wizard has been found
to lure young adventures within the depths of Undermountain. The Fellowship
will come to and aid in any rescue attempt within Undermountain.

We will accomplish these tasks through a variety of methods while always
adhering to the underlying principles and regulations as follows:

1. None shall venture into the depths of Undermountain alone. All shall use
the resources of the fellowship. Should the task require immediate
assistance and no other member of the fellowship is available, use
whatever resource you must to enlist aid to accomplish the task.
2. Fellowship member shall present a united front. Any and all concerns,
issues and disputes shall be handled within the fellowship by bringing
them to the attention of the Commander. By keeping communication open
within the fellowship we can effectively maintain the respect and
appreciation of fellow adventurers.
3. All fellowship members shall maintain a lawful standing in the community
and adhere to local laws and customs.
4. All fellowship members will be tolerant and respectful of other member's
beliefs and customs.
5. All fellowship members must maintain a sober and clear head during watch.
If found to be in an intoxicated state they will be dealt with by the
6. If any member of the fellowship should chose to leave it or be asked to
leave it all fellowship items are to be returned to the Commander.
7. Confidentiality of information is essential for the fellowship. The
knowledge gained in performing fellowship business is to remain within
the circle of the fellowship and not be breached, without express
specific permission from the Commander.
8. All fellowship members shall act in a manner to bring honor to the
Fellowship. Each individual's actions and inactions reflect upon the
reputation of the Fellowship.

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