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Fighter's Guilds

There are Fighter's Guilds across the Forgotten Kingdoms and
many serve as only barebones operations, serving their local
adventurers and beginning them upon the road to their future
(potential) glory.

Fighter's Guilds Cities:

* Waterdeep
* Orc Village
* Mithral Hall
* Golden Oaks

* The simple guilds contained in this area are not the total
of Fighter's Guilds. There are other large ones such as the
Gilded Lance in Westgate.

* Membership in some guilds may be mutually exclusive with a
membership in some others.

Area created by Blythe, Dalvyn, Lorelie, and Harroghty

Related topics...

Fighters Gilded Lance Guildhouses and Academies
Zhentil Keep Fighter's Guild
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