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King of the Beasts, Lord Firemane, The Lion King  
Symbol: A male lion's head on a green shield

Nobanion is the god of royalty as well as lions, wemics, and noble feline
beasts. He is an impressive and beneficent creature of regal bearing who
teaches harmonious and cooperative living with nature and other creatures
through virtue, patience, and mercy. However, those who would oppose these
characteristics are to be eradicated if they are deemed a threat. His closest
friend and ally is the goddess Lurue, and it is together that they battle
Malar the Stalker. Worship of Lord Firemane is most common around the Vilhon
Reach and the Dragon Coast, among the wemics of the Shining Plains, and
especially in the Gulthmere Forest where He is king.

* Nobanion is an uncoded deity. Characters who follow uncoded deities get
none of the coded benefits or perks that characters who follow coded gods
would receive. Please see the helpfile for 'uncoded deities' for more

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