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Water Genasi

Water genasi are patient and independent, used to solving their 
problems on their own, and not afraid to take their time doing so.
At times they are fierce and destructive, like terrible storms, but
more often than not they present a tranquil appearence despite the
emotions running beneath that quiet surface.

Most water genasi are descended from an elemental outsider such
as a triton or marid. A rare few are born of outsider servants of
the evil water goddess Umberlee. Water genasi look like humans save
for one or two distinguishing features, such as lightly scaled skin,
blue-green skin or hair, or webbed hands and feet.

Most water genasi take to the sea in some form or another, be it
sailor or adventurer. Their innate ability to breathe water allows
them a sense of freedom on the sea, that not many sailors can
duplicate. Spellcasters usually focus on spells that call forth cold
ice or water, and spells that control the weather. They are usually
either clerics or druids as they rarely have the talent for sorcery
and water ruins spellbooks.

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