Online Help

The gods of the Kingdoms

Terminology note: there is a bit of a double meaning in our use of the term
'god' in these helpfiles, in that some of the gods are also the game
administrators. For information specifically relating to the in-character
natures of the deities, please consult the helpfile on deities, and its

There are many gods in Forgotten Kingdoms. However the god Tyr rules over
all the other gods, keeping them in order. The gods will assist the players,
when they feel so inclined. The gods may exact a price for assistance, how
much varies from god to god, if at all. Those who are evil may be inclined
to extract more but the benefits may be greater as a result.

A mortal player may select to pledge to be a follower of one of these Gods.
If a player pledges, then that God can help significantly more than normally
allowed. Yet, if a player asks for help from a God he did not pledge to,
after pledging, then he might be ignored, have to pay more for help, etc...

Following a god will give a character special benefits, varying from god to
god. For some classes such as many of the spell casters, without a
god/patron they will not be able to cast some of their better spells.

For help on a particular deity, please see their individual help file.

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Deities Diku History
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