Online Help


Syntax:  group  - Shows the statistics for each character in the group.
group disband - Allows the leader to disband the group.
Members stop following and are ungrouped.

The group command lists all those who are currently following you and in your
group. In order to group someone you need to
INVITE them to join your group.
They then must
ACCEPT your invitation. If you wish to remove someone from
your group then you must
EJECT them.

Group members may use the
SPLIT command.
If anyone in your group is attacked, you will automatically join the fight.
To change your formation in a group use the
FORMATION command.

You may group any level of characters.

* WARNING: The follow command will remove you from a group. Doing
so risks the spells of your group members encompassing you, and placing you
into combat with them. Avoid doing this!

Related topics...

Accept Area of Effect Spells Eject
Formation Group Display Invite
Preparing for Combat
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