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He of the Unsleeping Eyes, the Watcher, the Vigilant, the Vigilant One 
The Great Guard, the God of Guardians
Holy symbol - a tiny gauntlet holy symbol with an eye on it
Worshipper Allowed Alignments - LG, NG, CG, LN, N, CN
Cleric Allowed Alignments - LG, LN, N
Followers called - Helmites
Domains - Planning and Prowess
Allies - Torm
Enemies - Bane, Cyric, Mask, Shar, Garagos, Malar, Talos
Current Faith Manager - Veronice

Helm is the epitome of the guardian, the watcher, the guard, and has in years
past been greatly venerated by those who need to remain watchful for evil at
their doorsteps. He is the god of guardians, protection and protectors, and
is worshipped by guards and paladins. He was long seen as a cold and focused
deity who impartially took the role of defender and sometimes also enforcer.
Helm is always vigilant and watchful. He is never surprised, and anticipates
most events by intelligence and observation. He is rarely tricked, and he
will never betray or neglect that which he guards. He is the ideal of
guardians and is worshipped so that some of his qualities will come to, or
be borne out in, the worshipper.

Affiliated Orders: Helmite orders include a small fellowship of battlefield
healers known as the Watchers Over the Fallen, a group of dedicated bodyguards
whom Helmite temples hire out to others to generate revenue called the Everwatch
Knights, and an order of paladins called the Vigilant Eyes of the God.

For more information on this deity we recommend:
Please ignore all 4th edition and later information.

Related topics...

Dogma of Helm Everwatch Knights - Helm History of Helm
List of Deities Notable Names in the Faith of Helm Planning Domain
Prowess Domain Ranks in the faith of Helm Relations of Helm
Serving Helm Vigilant Eyes of the God - Helm Watchers over the Fallen - Helm
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