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Lightfoot Halflings

The Lightfoot are the most numerous and well traveled of the three 
subraces of halflings, making them the most well known. Nearly every
human community of any size has its share of halfling residents.
Lightfoot halflings may be the most common of the subraces, but their
behavior is also the most varied. Lightfoots are considered to be
semi-nomadic. Most scholars believe this comes from when the
lightfoot left Luiren after the Ghostwar massacre, they were unable to
find a new homeland that suited them well, so they wondered. Whatever
the reason for this the lightfoot seem determined to see a great deal
of Faerun and have many interesting experiences during their lifetime.

Lightfoot halflings look much like humans, only smaller. Usually
their height is anywhere between three and four foot tall. As their
name suggest, lightfoot halflings often take classes that work well
for wanderers, such as rogue and bard. Halflings often pick often
pick up an impressive array of skills during their travels, and with
their small size and low strength, they need the advantages of stealth
and cleverness.

Lightfoot halflings tend to be generalist when it comes to magic,
using a broad array of spells and magic items to make their travels
more pleasant. They are skillful clerics and sorcerers, but sometimes
lack the discipline to become accomplished as wizards. Because they
are almost always fighting foes who are larger then they are,
lightfoot halflings favor spells that help them move around the
battlefield and negate the physical strength of their foes. They are
fascinated with magic that makes travel easier in any way.

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