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Wear, Wield, Hold, Remove

Syntax:  hold <object|all> [location]
Syntax: wear <object|all> [location]
Syntax: wield <object|all> [location]

Syntax: remove <object|all>

These three commands will cause you to take an object from your inventory
and use it as equipment. HOLD, WEAR, and WIELD are interchangable:

You may not be able to HOLD, WEAR, or WIELD an item if its alignment does not
match yours, if it is too heavy for you, or if you are not experienced enough
to use it properly.

WEAR ALL will attempt to HOLD/WEAR/WIELD each suitable item in inventory.

REMOVE will take an object from your equipment and place it into inventory.

REMOVE ALL will remove all your equipment and place it into inventory.

There is a lag to wearing armour. The amount of lag is dependant on the armour
type. For instance it takes longer to wear full plate armour than it does
to wear cloth robes.

Some items are made to be worn in the same layer and thus cannot be worn at
the same time. An example is a tunic and a backpack. If you find that you cannot
wear two items at the same time and should, please use the ask channel to
see if anyone can assist you.

* Several objects can be used in multiple locations. If a location is not
specified, the default for the given object will be employed. Weapons often
do more damage when held in both hands. In some cases a different weapons
skill is required to use them when held that way, however.

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Equipment Equipment Layers Object Commands
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