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History and Relationships of Lloth

Formally known as Araushnee, Lloth was once a lesser power of the Seldarine and the 
consort of Corellon Larethian. Araushnee bore Corellon twin godlings, Vhaeraun and
Eilistraee, before she turned against her lover and betrayed him. By order of the
Council of the Seldarine, Araushnee was transformed into a spider-shaped tanar'ri
and banished to the Abyss. For this act she hates Corellon and Seldarine dearly.

Whilst at the Abyss, Araushnee assumed the name of Lloth and conquered a large portion
of the foul-plane. Rising in power, Lloth then turned her attention to corrupting
the mortal children of the Seldarine. Lloth corruption of the elves culminated in
the Crown Wars, and eventually, the descent of the corrupted elves, now known as
drow, into the Underdark.

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