Online Help


Syntax:  hset show <existing keyword>
hset addkeyword <existing keyword> <new keyword>
hset removekeyword <existing keyword>
hset addlink <from keyword> <to keyword>
hset baddlink <from keyword> <to keyword>
hset removelink <from keyword> <to keyword>
hset bremovelink <from keyword> <to keyword>
hset name <existing keyword> <new name>
hset level <keyword> <level>

This command is used to add or remove keywords and links to and from a help
file, or change its name or level. Quotes SHOULD be used around multiple-word
keywords, for example
hset show 'Magical Post'.

All access to helpfiles is via their KEYWORD, not their title! So if you
remove all of a helpfile's keywords... you'll be sunk, having no way to access

'hset show' will display the current settings of a help file. Approved links
to approved help files will appear in
green, while pending, not-yet-approved
links or help files will be
yellow, and not-yet-approved removed links will be

'hset addlink' and 'hset removelink' operate on links between help files. Use
addlink to add a one-way link from one help file to another, and removelink to
remove it.

'hset baddlink' and hset bremovelink are identical to addlink and removelink,
except they operate on two-way links; that is, in addition to a link from
'from' to 'to', a link will also be added (or removed) from 'to' to 'from'.

hset addlink mage 'mage spells' will add a link from 'mage' to 'mage
spells', while
hset baddlink mage 'mage spells' will add a link from 'mage' to
'mage spells' AND a link from 'mage spells' to 'mage'.

'hset name' renames a help file, automatically removing the old name as keyword
and adding the new name.

Since keywords must be unique, this may cause problems if you attempt to change
the name of a help to an already-existing keyword. For example, suppose you had
a help on 'aural communication' with the keywords 'aural' and 'aural
communication' and the name 'aural communication'. If you wanted to capitalise
the name of the help file by typing:

hset name aural 'Aural Communication'

it would fail, because the 'aural communication' keyword is already present.
Instead, you would have to remove the 'aural communication' keyword first:

hset removekeyword 'aural communication'
hset name 'aural' Aural Communication

'hset level' sets the character level required to access the helpfile. Some
commands are only usable by Immortals, and access to help for such should be
limited to players of level 51 or above, as appropriate. Most help file levels
are set to -1, which makes the file visible to all.

Helpfiles on no longer relevant topics are archived ("deleted") by setting them
to level 99.

Please note that you must be on the Code Council to employ HSET.

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