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Syntax: influence <target> 

If successful, influence will place the victim under your control for the
duration of the spell. While under your control the creature is your
servant, and may assist you in combat and other more minor duties. The skill
requires that you have an above average to high charisma in order for it to
be effective. Use the 'order' command to give them orders.

Aggressive mobs will lose their aggressiveness while charmed, but will
immediately return to their violent ways when the spell wears off.

This spell/skill is logged because it is subject to abuse. If we find that
you are using the skill/spell to gain too many items you will lose the skill.
Please show some responsbility when using this skill/spell.

* This skill doesn't work on PCs.

* This skill requires a charisma of at least 15 in order to operate

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