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The Water Lord, King of Water Elementals 
Holy symbol - a cresting wave
Domains - Destruction, Ocean, Storm, Travel, Water
Enemies - Kossuth
Allies - Any deity related to water, such as Deep Saselas, Eldath, or

A neutral deity of water and purification, Istishia is one of the elemental
lords. His followers are encouraged to maintain the Balance of Elements,
teach the value of water, cleanse fouled water sources, and oppose the
followers of Kossuth, Lord of Fire, whenever possible. Due to his limited
involvement in the mortal realms, how his faithful fulfill these duties is
often left to the individual faithful to decide. Like the other Elemental
faiths, Istishia's faithful are loyal but unorganized, consisting of small cult
groups and secluded shrines and holy grounds.

* Istishia is an uncoded deity. Characters who follow uncoded deities get
none of the coded benefits or perks that characters who follow coded gods
would receive. Please see the helpfile for 'uncoded deities' for more

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