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Syntax: killmode [kill|nofight|stun|spar]
Without an argument,
'killmode' returns your current killmode.

This command toggles which killing mode you are in

killmode kill: Lethal combat, combat will occur without pauses
after each action. You will continue combat until one combatant is killed
or flees. Limbs can be severed and damage to vital areas can cause death
if the damage received is excessive.

killmode nofight: Lethal combat, combat will occur with a pause
after a combatant does an action (a round). Limbs can be severed and damage
to vital areas can cause death if the damage received is excessive.

killmode stun: Non-Lethal combat, combat will occur without pauses
after each action. You will continue combat until one combatant is stunned
(unconscious) or flees. Limbs can not be severed and death can not be caused
by excessive damage to a vital area.

killmode spar: Non-Lethal combat, combat will occur with a pause
after a combatant does an action (a round). Limbs can not be severed and
death can not be caused by excessive damage to a vital area.

Killmodes nofight, stun, and spar are recommended for playerkill situations
to promote healthy roleplay. Killmodes nofight and spar can be used to resolve
a playerkill situation one round at a time, with each combatant also using
emotes/smotes to roleplay out the combat. If either combatant is in killmode
spar or killmode nofight it will automatically force the other combatant to
a round-by-round killmode.

* When fighting an NPC, killmode spar operates like killmode stun, but with
a greater delay between rounds.
Killmode nofight prevents your PC from
fighting back.
NPCs are NOT forced to the same killmode that you have set!

* Instant-kill spells such as "drown" should not be used in killmodes
other than
kill or spar, because ICly the damage done by these
spells cannot be "pulled" as a blow with a weapon can: the target either
survives, or they die.

Related topics...

Avoiding Combat Ending Combat Kill
Preparing for Combat
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