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Kaden Landry, Tinker of Gond

Kaden Landry, The High Artificer of Gond, once thought he would be destined
to walk among and serve the forests, he soon had a change of heart when his
natural sense of curiosity found him exploring far beyond the bounds of the
woodlands, learning far more than the precepts he had sought to follow as he
honed his adventuring expertise by slaying the likes of giants and dragons.
Soon enough, learning had turned to creating, and he found himself with the
will to serve Gond and to continue to dedicate his life to adding to the
world more than drawing from it. Soon he was blessed with the leadership of
Gonds followers, becoming a long standing head of the church while continuing
to follow wherever his curiosity would drive him. With his marriage to THE
Lorelie, the famous bard, now Silverstar, of Selune, came the pairs newest
creation in the form of a growing family.

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