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Kregor Kunseele of Torm, Ranger of Tangled Trees

Kregor was born a second son to a wealthy shipping merchant in Baldur's
Gate. His older brother was a scout in the employ of the Flaming Fist
Mercenary company. Kregor spent his time working the docks, and joining
on sails along the Sword Coast in "sweat equity" for his inheritance.

His life changed when his brother led a search party in pursuit of a
priest of the Mad One, Cyric, who was a fugitive from the city. His
brother found the priest as he scouted ahead, and landed in an ambush,
his brother was killed, the body mutilated ritually.

With this, Kregor was taken in rage, with a thirst for vengeance, asked
to take his brother's place. His father refused, not wanting to lose
another son, he gave Kregor the ultimatum: leave and you are no longer
my son. Kregor walked from his home, never to return.

Kregor found his way to the City of Waterdeep, where they were training
combatants. Soon after he met the old ranger, Dov, who introduced him
to the Warden Janon, and taught him the ways of the ranger.

Later he found his faith in the Lord of Duty, Torm, and pledged his duty
to the forest. He found and married his wife, Aelfwynne, a wild elf from
Tangled Trees. Eventually they returned to her home, where he aided
in a rescue of the forest, and became a resident and defender of it.

He serves as an elder on the Guiding Council of Rangers, willing to aid
young rangers, and guide them as he was guided by that old ranger.

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