Online Help

Spam, Channels and profanity

Spam (repeating the same message repeatedly or otherwise purposely causing
the screen to scroll), harassment (including sexual) and abusive behavior are
not permitted on any channel (this includes in 'say' or 'tell'). Do not
continue to 'tell' to someone after they have asked you to stop.

Profanity is not permitted on Forgotten Kingdoms. There is no place
for it in a roleplay mud. If you have a character that curses then
think of some of a medieval theme that are not offensive.

If any level of Immortal asks you to desist on a subject, or to move the
subject to an appropriate channel, do so immediately. Continuing on a
subject or channel after you are requested to stop may result in your
character losing its access to channels through silencing. An Immortal's
decision on subject matter and/or channel use should be obeyed.

Warning: Arguing with or flaming immortals on channels _will_ get you
silenced or worse, and this may extend to your other characters as well if
you push the matter.

All communication should be in character.

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