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Syntax: look
Syntax: look <object>
Syntax: look <target>
Syntax: look <direction>
Syntax: look <keyword>
Syntax: look in <container>
Syntax: look in <corpse>
Syntax: look <direction>

LOOK looks at something and sees what you can see. Looking in a direction
enables you to see what lies in that direction in terms of people and room
names. LOOKing at others will give you more information if you have
trained the PEEK skill. LOOKing IN a container will provide different
information than simply LOOKing (at) it.

* Some objects have specific keywords and will only be "seen" if their
name is spelled out in full. For example, in such a case
look tapestry
would work, where
look tapes would indicate there is nothing to be seen.

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