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Lord Rasavir Il'Dante Thornwinter

Not much can be said of the enigmatic Lord Rasavir, in a few short years he
was adopted by the eccentric elder and ailing Ensavir Thornwinter, of a very
old and distinguished Waterdhavian noble family, and named sole heir to that
holding. They say Rasavir was an adventurer before that and made his fortune
in Maztica, eventually returning and rising through the ranks of the Guild of
Moneychangers, becoming Guildmaster and consolidating a pact with the other
fiduciary guilds of the city to form a greater trade combine. While it had
been rumoured the upstart Rasavir was a hidden lord, it was not until
recently that he was elected co-Open Lord to the Paladinson in special
capacities from amongst them. Since then wealth has flowed into the city, and
a potential for all kinds of new trading opportunities as well.

It is alleged that Rasavir was elected in under emergency powers to deal with
the Orc threat in the north, among other more clandestine mandates. He has so
far opened trade with Thay, and in the wake of the Siege of Silverymoon, is
feeding the war ravaged Silver Marches with Thayvian grain. Waterdeep's
recent grain tariff has proven quite fortuitous in that regard. He has
reinforced the garrison with handpicked soldiers, phasing out the old guard,
and bringing great order and prosperity to the city.

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