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Luskan, the City of Sails is the last and most important port on the Sword
Coast north of Waterdeep. It is a hard city, with harsh laws, and an
unforgiving populace. The inhabitants of the city often prey upon each other,
the only thing uniting them being when they wage war upon the other naval
powers of the Trackless Sea. Few can match Luskan on the open waters, and
those who can, often find waves of mercenary mariners sent against them.
Luskan, as the centre of trade for the high north, has deep coffers and in
the past has not hesitated to hire entire tribes of Northmen to do their
dirty work. The wise will avoid the city all together, as it is often said no
one leaves a bargain with a Luskar while smiling.

Area by Casamir, Terageld, Rilm, Sethrin, and Achim.

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