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Major Image

Illusion (Figment)
Range: Ranged
Target: Ignored
Syntax: cast 'major image'

This spell creates the visual illusion of an object or creature. Sound,
smell, and thermal illusions are included in the spell effect. You can use
order to make your illusion speak or smote.

Syntax: shape <name>
This command lets you change the name of the illusion. You can include color
codes in the name (help FERALCOLOUR) but if a colour code is stuck to a word,
that word will not be usable as a keyword to target the illusion. E.g., after
'shape (D0)Old Pinky', your illusion will be named 'Old Pinky' and you will be
able to use Pinky (but not Old) as a keyword to designate it.

Syntax: changesex <male/female/neuter>
Syntax: changelang <language>
These commands let you change the sex and language spoken by the illusion.
Note that you will have to know the language yourself before you can make
your illusion speak it.

This spell cannot be learned by a necromancer

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