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Myn Cimril

Lady Myn Cimril, High Mage of Beshaba and proprietress of the Purple Haze taverns
found across the realms, is said to have been born in Shadowdale. Through a series
of unfortunate events (and even more sinister rumors) the toddler Myn came to live
in Zhentil Keep. Soon orphaned, she ended up in the care of a Zhentillar Wizard now
long since forgotten. Her formative years were split between spell-studies and angsty
rebellions over nothing. One such rebellion led to the young Myn leaving for Waterdeep,
to see what such a large city had to offer.

It was in Waterdeep where Myn was led to a sect of Beshabans who operated out of
the Lucky Drunk, of all places, and heard the first calls of the Maid. Her brash,
angsty behavior continued in the West. While most of her infractions were minor she
did finally face the executioner's axe for a petition that was deemed high treason
by the Lords of Waterdeep. By the will of the Maid, Myn found herself alive once
more, and returned back to Zhentil Keep.

Myn spent the following decades growing her influence and power, culminating in the
construction of the first Haze in the Keep, then the second in Westgate. She also
ascended to the rank of High Mage of the Mages Guild, leading it for several years
prior to the decentralization of the Wizard Guilds. Her banishment from Waterdeep was
also lifted, eventually, for services offered to the city through various crises over
the years. Myn mysteriously left the Keep, entrusting her barmaid Dasiana with the
operation of the Haze.

Lady Myn has always declined to elaborate on the several decades that passed before
her return and has spent much of the time since rebuilding her treasured Haze. While
Myn's interactions have been far more sparse in the years since her return, she has still
retained some friendships with some of the Waterdhavian citizens, and has been known help
and at other times work against the endeavours of that city.

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