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Matron Mother Triel Baenre

Triel Baenre is the eldest daughter of the late and infamous Yvonnel 
Baenre. Formerly the Mistress of Arach-Tinilith, she now rules
Menzoberranzan's first house. Her patience and cunning have allowed
her to keep House Baenre in it's position as first house, but she
has experienced many setbacks due to her short temper. Sister to the
Archmage of Menzoberranzan, Gromph Baenre, and the new Mistress of
Arach-Tinilith, Quenthel Baenre. It is rumoured her taste in
partners is more decadently vile than most other drow, and having
had a Half-Fiend Draegloth son named Jaggred more than confirms

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