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Mira Mockingbird, High Bard of Oghma

The only child of bardic parents, Mirabai's path in life was very clear
from the first day she picked up a violin. Parents Emyle and Stephen
Mockingbird brought Mirabai up in the bardic city of Berdusk, later
moving her all the way up to Silverymoon on the year of her fourteenth
summer. She took audience with the bards and priests in the Halls of
Inspiration, learning all that she could from them. Late one night, she
was looking through the library before going home, and she picked up
a book that she could not seem to put down. She read the book until dawn,
and it was then she could tell that her path in life was to seek
Knowledge. She enrolled herself into the Temple of Tymora, and left
when she reached the age of sixteen to travel to Waterdeep with the
blessings of her parents. She reached Waterdeep with her own worries,
but got greeted by many kind people, and was soon taken under the wing
of Betandor Heartsong as his apprentice. Betandor quickly became like
a father to Mirabai (who, at this point, insisted on people calling her
Mira and Mira alone). After aiding a group of adventurers in finding
the Harp of Shadowdale, Mirabai was accepted into the Oghman faith,
and soon after admitted by Oghma into the Companions of the Silver
String. Lately, she has been called Battlebardette in the tradition
of her mentor, Betandor.

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