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Order of the Golden Lion - Torm

Following Torm's rebirth after his battle with the god Bane over
Tantras, the church founded a new order of paladins known as the
Order of the Golden Lion to serve as holy warriors of Torm. Many
members of the Order of the Golden Lion are found guarding temp-
les of a wide variety of peaceful faiths, while others embark on
quests to recover lost relics of various goodly gods.

Failure to actively serve the letter and the spirit of the Pena-
nce of Duty by _any member_ of this order results in the loss of
paladinhood, reclaimable only through acceptable atonement that
satisfies a goal set in accordance with the Penance of Duty.

Look for a member of this order or a Tormtar (priest of Torm) in
order to learn more about this order.

* Paladins who wish to join this order are eligible to apply
for membership six months after their adoubement. Others who
are eligible and wish to join should apply after seeking out
any active PC members for guidance.

* You cannot role-play as a member without Torm's approval.

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Deity Orders Paladin Orders Torm
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