Online Help

Password Command

The original password command was removed. To change your password you may do
so through the account system menu.

Passwords can not contain certain characters, or spaces. We also advise that
you use an alphanumeric password (one containing both numbers and letters) as
they are harder to guess. We also recommend that you choose a password that
is greater than 6 characters in length. A good rule of thumb is if it is in
the dictionary, it is probably not a good password.

If you forget your password, the administrators are unable to determine what
your password is because of the encryption code that is used by the game to
protect your password. They are however able to change it to a new one.

Loss of password is dealt with on a case by case basis. The administrators
will use their own discretion in each case, and their final word is final.

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Passwords and Zmud
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