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The actual pkill

That might be the part that is less understood by most. Just saying 'Hi, 
scum! I am here to kill you for what you have done.' then typing murder is
NOT roleplaying the pkill. In fact, the actual pkill rp starts at that time.
Simply stating the reason for the pk, whether these reasons are good or bad,
is NOT roleplaying the pkill. Roleplaying the pkill is... roleplaying the
actual attack, with smotes or even some says or other means.

A wizard could for example start to chant the words for a 'magic missile'
spell, but stop the incantation (that can be done by simply typing 'stop'
before the spell is complete). A fighter could emote/smote that he tries
to hit his/her opponent with a longsword.

Two important words there: emote/smote (that is roleplay the attack) and
TRIES (do not force rp upon your opponent: let him/her react as he/she wants;
the fighter might miss, the opponent might dodge).

The aim of all this is simply to allow every player to have fun. It's no
fun at all for a character to be killed in 5 seconds by a high level fighter.
That is why it should be made with a FAIR and interesting rp.

This 'rule' of OOC fairness applies everywhere in a pkill: do not force rp
upon your opponent by telling him/her how he/she should react, give him/her
time to respond to your rp. Slow typers shouldn't be penalized. Otell your
opponent when you want to switch to code (killmode stun/kill) and let the
dice roll.

Related topics...

Player killing guide to roleplay by Dalvyn
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