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Roleplaying a pkill with the nofight code

The new nofight code allows you to rp a pkill (or, at least, the 
beginning of it) while continuing to emote/smote and say. Here is an example
with a fighter A and a wizard B.

[Fighter A]
smote walks to $B and swings his sword.
murder B

If A and B have nofight on when doing that, A will only attack B for one round.
After that, A should allow his opponent to fight for one round too. B's emote
will be based on the success of A's attack, determined by the code.

[Wizard B]
smote staggers slightly and utters strange words while looking at $A
cast 'magic missile' A

[Fighter A]
smote winces as the magic missiles hit him, then runs towards $B.
bash B

A point here, about bash: if A successfully bashes B, it is fair for A to
fight for another round immediately, as B is unconscious.

There are many points that are open to discussion: what if A disarms B?
Can B get his weapon and fight back in only one round? But, the most important
thing here to decide how to react should be OOC FAIRNESS.

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Player killing guide to roleplay by Dalvyn
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