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The talking before a player kill

That's where the two opponents issue threats. It might be a good idea here 
to state why this pkill is going to happen, considering that the aims here
are (a) to have some fun exchanging puns and good words, and (b) to make the
situation clear for those involved. Of course, these are only general 'rules':
if you roleplay an orc, you don't have to say sophisticated puns or long
sentences, but you can find some IC things to say, and threats to make (and
that might be even funnier than the long and complex sentences of other races);
if you do not want your opponent to know ICly about the reasons of the pkill,
you don't have to state them either.

Anyway, that's part can be considered as ''a small talk to get in the mood''.
It might be good to have some emote/smote here, threatening gestures, opponents
who walk around each other menacingly, glaring at each other. Create the

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Player killing guide to roleplay by Dalvyn
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