Online Help

Poison weapon

Syntax:  poison <weapon>

A skill unique to thieves which enables them to coat their weapon with a
contact poison. If an opponent is hit with this weapon while the poison
persists, they must make a fortitude save or suffer the effects of the poison.
(With black poisoning powder, this is a -2 modification to the opponent's
strength score.)

To poison a weapon you must have the weapon itself, the poisoning powder, and
a source of water in your inventory. Your wisdom must be sufficiently high.

* This skill is affected by the type of armour you wear. Heavier armour will
increase the chance of failure in this skill.

* As your expertise with this skill increases, weapons you poison will remain
so for a longer period of time.

* Poisoned weapons become more vulnerable to damage while in use!

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Thieves Skills
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